The Mario Negri InstituteĀ is a non-profit pharmacological and biomedical foundation for training and research activities.Ā It was made possible by a special bequest of Milan philanthropist Mario Negri (1891 ā 1960). It wasĀ founded in 1961Ā andĀ startedĀ operations in Milan from 1st Feb 1963. The IRFMN has three main objectives: carrying out scientific research projects, training young people, disseminating the results of its research at all levels. The institute does not patent its discoveries, remaining totally independent of the pharmaceutical industry, the state, universities, politics, finance and religious ideologies. Ā The Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology has been active in the field of predictive toxicology for more than 20 years. In most recent years, the group research was focused on the development and use of machine learning (ML) based models and their use as NAMs to inform on toxicological properties and fulfil regulatory needs.Ā It will bringĀ its expertise in silico modelling, its in-house in silico platform for toxicity prediction and the use of predicted toxicological data in the framework of different regulatory settings to the project.Ā