

01.08.2024 Newsletter #2 has been published!

01.07.2024 Newsletter #1 has been published!

21.06.24 The second AiChemist School took place in Strasbourg from 21.06 until 28.06. 

04.03.24 The first AiChemist School took place in Berlin from 04.03 until 15.03. At the first school, the DCs meet each other for the first time and participated in lectures, workshops and practical sessions on the topics of chemoinformatics, machine leaning and programming fundamentals, delivered by both internal and external experts. 

15.02.24 AiChemist will be co-organising a workshop (AI in Drug Discovery) at ICANN2024 together with the AIDD project. The Call for Papers is open until 15.03.

08.02.24 The EPAA has published its call for the 2024 3Rs Student Grants, which will sponsor students to participate in the major 3Rs events in 2024. They will award a full grant of 1000€ and a half grant of 500€ for ESTIV 2024, EUSAAT 2024 and EUROTOX 2024. Email your applications to by midnight on 15.04.24 for ESTIV and 17.06.24 for EUSAAT and EUROTOX. Good luck!


27.12.23 The first wave of interviews and selections were concluded. Congratulations to all the selected DC candidates! 

01.09.23 The AiChemist Project has officially started!