MN-AM Supervisors


Prof. Dr. Chihae Yang is Managing Director of MN and visiting professor at the Ohio State University, USA. She is a recognized scientist and internationally well-known domain expert in cheminformatics, molecular informatics, and computational toxicology including regulatory aspects and has a long-term expertise in AI and machine learning which can be proven by numerous publications in these areas. She is and has managed various international projects as project or task leader in the private and public sector (CEFIC, CE, IM/IMI2I, EU FP7/H2020, NIST, CIR, EFSA, KCII).


Prof. Dr. James F. Rathman is Managing Director of Altamira, and a Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Ohio State University. He is a domain expert and leading scientist in molecular informatics, statistical modelling, data analysis, experimental design, and the development and application of ML and AI for novel prediction systems. He will contribute to the supervision of DCs during their time at MN-AM.