Professor Alexandre Varnek graduated as a physical chemist and obtained his Ph.D. in 1985 at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Since 2002 he is a full Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Strasbourg. He is head of the Laboratory of Chemoinformatics (UMR 7140 CNRS / UdS) and director of the Chemoinformatics Master. In addition, he is the PI of a Chemoinformatics group at the ICReDD, Hokkaido and the editor-in-chief of “Molecular Informatics”. He is the author of one monograph, more than 250 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, 5 book chapters in and one patent.
Dragos Horvath is a chemical engineer with a PhD in Modelling and Medicinal Chemistry from the Universityof Lille (1996). He spent seven years in industry as head of Chemoinformatics at Cerep, before joining CNRSat the University of Strasbourg as a Research Director. He has authored >100 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and several patents.
Gilles Marcou obtained his PhD in 2003 at Université de Bordeaux-I in Physics. In 2006 he joined the Laboratory of Chemoinformatics as a Assistant Professor at Strasbourg University. He is author of more than 100 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and one book chapter.